Tuesday, November 25, 2008

All About Me As Breifly as Possible

Not long ago, I purchased a copy of Not Quite What I Was Planning: 6 Word Memoirs by Writers Famous and Obscure. It is a book that confirms beyond a question of doubt that brevity is indeed the source of wit.

So what would this obscure writer say if she were asked to contribute a pithy yet telling 6 word biography? Here are the possibilities (I'll let you pick your favorite)...

Plays hard, has many bruises.

Always takes the scenic route.

Feet built for heels; knees disagreed.

Always wears mascara; doesn't own hairbrush.

Never learned to ride bike. Walks.

Brilliant moments balanced by frequent incoherence.

Always makes it work...usually.

From hiking boots to high heels.

Played to win; lost often.

Bought friends with baked goods.

Jeans didn't fit thighs. Blamed genes.

Many boyfriends and yet still single.

Laughs loud, often.

I read too much Jane Austen.

Learned to embrace carbohydrates and thighs.

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